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The 15th International Conference on

Vibrations at Surfaces

June 22-26, 2015 ▪ Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

Donostia Igeldotik



Wednesday June 24

09:00-10:40 We1: E-ph coupling in novel 2D materials (I)
10:40-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-13:00 We2: E-ph coupling in novel 2D materials (II)
13:00-15:30 Poster session B
Afternoon off - some suggested activities can be found here
19:30-20:30 Public lecture by Polanyi in Kutxa Sala Andia (city center)

13:00-15:30 Poster session B

The poster boards in the conference room are dedidated to the posters listed below from Wednesday June 24, 11:00 until the end of the conference.
  1. Benedek: Acoustic surface plasmons and phonon-plasmon coupling in Cu(111) from inelastic He-atom scattering
  2. Blanco-Rey: Modelling of STM-induced diffusion of hydrogen interstitials in the Pd(111) near-surface region
  3. Boeckmann: Direct observation of photoinduced intramolecular H-atom transfer within a single porphycene molecule on a Cu(111) surface
  4. Brión-Ríos: Theorical study of NO adsorption on Cu(110) and O(2×1)/Cu(110) surfaces
  5. Campi: Surface lattice dynamics of Cs
  6. Del Cueto: Accounting for van der Waals forces in DFT-based calculations of He and Ne diffraction from metal surfaces
  7. Engelund: The butterfly effect – modelling STM imaging on Si/Ge(001):H
  8. Fernandez: Vibrational properties of TiO-Pc/PTCDA heterolayers on Ag(111)
  9. Garcia-Lekue: Molecular dehydrogenation reactions on surfaces
  10. Goiricelaya: Ab-initio analysis of the vibrational dynamics at the Tl/Si(111) surface
  11. Ivars: Activation of water and CO2 on Fe3O4 (111) thin films studied by molecular beam and IRAS
  12. Juaristi: Surface strain improves molecular adsorption but hampers dissociation for N2 on the Fe/W(110) surface
  13. Kraus: Measuring the Sb(111)-phonon dispersion using HAS: Evidence for an extremely low-lying acoustic plasmon mode
  14. Ladenthin: Hot-carrier induced intramolecular H-atom transfer reaction studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
  15. Novko: Exploring the electron induced phonon linewidths of N2 on the Fe(110) surface: AIMDEF vs. DFPT
  16. Rusina: Surface Dynamics of the Wetting Layer and of 2 to 4 Lead Monolayers on Cu(111)
  17. Sanchez-Portal: Asymmetrical tunneling spectroscopy of close-spaced dangling-bond pairs on Si(001):H
  18. Sforzini: High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy of Pd- and Pt-phthalocyanine on Ag(111)
  19. Shkrebtii: Correlation of temperature dependent vibrations, structure and optical response of Si(100) surface from first principles
  20. Tagliacozzo: Probing deep interface electron-phonon interaction in Bi2Te3/GaAs with Brillouin scattering