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The 15th International Conference on

Vibrations at Surfaces

June 22-26, 2015 ▪ Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

Donostia Igeldotik



Monday June 22

09:00-14:30 Registration
14:30-14:40 Conference opening, T. Frederiksen
14:40-16:20 Mo1: Surface scattering and chemistry
16:20-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-18:40 Mo2: Solid-liquid interfaces
19:00-21:00 Welcome reception, Sala de Musica, Palacio Miramar

Mo2: Solid-liquid interfaces

Chair: W. E. Ernst, Graz, Austria

17:00-17:30 E. H. G. Backus, Mainz, Germany
Liquid flow along a solid surface reversibly alters interfacial chemistry
17:30-18:00 R. K. Campen, Berlin, Germany
From UHV to the solid/liquid interface: Water adsorption, surface reconstruction and dynamics on α-Al2O3
18:00-18:20 T. Sugimoto, Kyoto, Japan
Spontaneous ferroelectric ordering of strongly correlated protons in crystalline ice films on Pt(111)
18:20-18:40 A. Tamtögl, Cambridge, UK
The motion of water on a hydrophobic surface