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The 15th International Conference on

Vibrations at Surfaces

June 22-26, 2015 ▪ Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

Donostia Igeldotik



Tuesday June 23

09:00-10:40 Tu1: Transport in electronic devices
10:40-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-13:00 Tu2: Surface diffusion and migration
13:00-15:30 Lunch break (on your own)
15:30-16:40 Tu3: Chemistry and growth of graphene
16:40-17:20 Coffee break
17:20-18:50 Tu4: Electron-phonon coupling in graphene
19:00-21:30 Poster session A

Tu2: Surface diffusion and migration

Chair: J. Manson, Clemson, USA

11:20-11:50 J. Ellis, Cambridge, UK
The use of atom-surface band structures as a framework for considering quantum effects in surface diffusion
11:50-12:20 H. Hedgeland, London, UK
Surface diffusion of aromatics through van der Waals landscapes and beyond
12:20-12:40 W. E. Ernst, Graz, Austria
Investigation of surface structure and diffusion dynamics of hydrogen adsorbed on Sb(111)
12:40-13:00 R. Martinez-Casado, Madrid, Spain
Diffraction of helium on MgO(100) calculated from first-principles